A dataset containing estimated area of pools within a watershed
dataframe with 31 rows and 3 variables
CVPIA watershed
Spring Run pool area estimate in square meters
Steelhead pool area estimate in square meters
Percent Pool Estimates: Mark Gard Mark.Gard@Wildlife.ca.gov
Channel Area Estimates: Sadie Gill sgill@flowwest.com
QA/QC: Mark Tompkins mtompkins@flowwest.com
Estimates of percent pools were provided by Mark Gard for some watersheds. The mean percent pools, excluding Feather River, is 23.1%. This value is used for watersheds without an estimate. The total area of pools is then caluculated by multiplying the estimated percent pools by the total channel area. Channel areas were estimated using Google Earth Engine.
Watersheds With Estimated Percent Pools:
Antelope Creek
Battle Creek
Butte Creek
Clear Creek
Cottonwood Creek
Deer Creek
Feather River (*80
Mill Creek
Mokelumne River
Stanislaus River
Tuolumne River
Upper Sacramento River
Yuba River
Note: The area of pools that covers both the Upper Sacramento and Upper-mid Sacramento DSM segments is assigned to the Upper Sacramento River.