The 2022 update to DSMhabitat includes the following changes:

  • Fall Run spawning habitat decay updates. A new analysis for spawning habitat decay has been added to the package. In doing so a few datasets have been added to the package as well as a new script under data-raw/spawning-habitat-decay that described the new habitat calculations. The following data has been added along with correspondings documentations:
  • CALSIM updates. Update DSMhabitat datasets integrating in new 2019 biop flows. The result of doing so means each dataset that is generated using flow as an input will have the following form: fr_fp$biop_2008_2009 and fr_fp$biop_itp_2018_2019.

Habitat related datasets for use with the following DSM models:

Alpha release of habitat input data migrated from CVPIA-OSC/DSMhabitat