This article describes how to update an EDI package using EMLaide. See the official EDI guidelines for when to update a package (instead of creating a new one) at the link here.
EDI updates are very similar to data package uploads.
To update an existing EDI package, you will have to first create a new EML with the updated tables and metadata. Please reference the article Create EML from Template to see specifications for creating an EML document using EMLaide.
When creating the EML document for an update (as opposed to a new EDI package), you must update your EDI identifier to reflect the version of the package:
old_edi_number <- "edi.750.1"
updated_edi_number <- "edi.750.2"
This will be reflected when you write the updated XML:
eml_updated <- list(packageId = updated_edi_number,
system = "EDI",
access = add_access(),
dataset = dataset,
additionalMetadata = list(metadata = list(unitList = unitList)))
# write and validate updated EML document
EML::write_eml(eml_updated, paste0(updated_edi_number, ".xml"))
EML::eml_validate(paste0(updated_edi_number, ".xml"))
You must have the credentials (EDI username
EDI password
) for the account that uploaded the original
EDI package in order to update it.
One option is to update the package manually on the EDI portal. The steps to updating your package on the portal are as follows:
Assuming you have written your updated EML document with the
identifier updated_edi_number
, you can evaluate and update
your package from RStudio using an API.
To evaluate your updated edi package, use the function
. To update it, use the
function EMLaide::update_edi_package()
The following code evaluates a data package with identifier
and updates it by passing the updated
.xml file and the past version’s identifier
# test that the package passes EDIs evaluation criteria
evaluate_edi_package(user_id = "your user id",
password = "your user password",
eml_file_path = paste0(updated_edi_number, ".xml"),
environment = "production")
# update edi package
update_edi_package(user_id = "your user id",
password = "your user password",
eml_file_path = paste0(updated_edi_number, ".xml"),
package_size = "medium", # default
existing_package_identifier = old_edi_number,
environment = "production")