A named list containing the 1980-2000 monthly mean water temperatures in °C. Each named list element is a temperature datasets of Hec5q and other modeled temps corresponding to 2008-2009 and 2018-2019 Calsim II BiOp runs.
The named list components are:
biop_2008_2009: monthly stream temperature in degrees C for watersheds from the 2008-2009 Calsim II BiOp run.
biop_itp_2018_2019: monthly stream temperature in degrees C for watersheds from the 2018-2019 Calsim II BiOp & ITP run.
A named list with two components, each containing a 3 dimensional array [31 watersheds, 12 months, 21 years]
HEC-5Q Model Output and Double Regression Temperature Modeling: Michael Wright
Data Wrangling and Additional Temperature Modeling: Sadie Gill
The following four methods were used to estimate the monthly mean water temperature for the watersheds during 1979-1999:
Temperature assignments were determined by Mike Wright using the input files
for the three HEC-5Q runs, i.e. AR_5QCS.dat and AR_5Q-CL.OUT.
Empirical Data
Only the Lower Sacramento had sufficient measured water temperature during
the period of the CVPIA salmon life cycle model. The few missing values were
imputed using forecast::na.interp
Double Regression Modeling
Data from many temperature gauges was collected from several CVPIA watersheds.
In these watersheds, a double regression technique was employed to predict water
temperature based on equilibrium temperature and the river mile of interest.
Equilibrium temperature is the temperature a pool of water would approach if
left in contact with the air for an infinite time, generally equivalent to the
air temperature. The results were applied to both watersheds of origin and as
surrogate data for ungauged watersheds.
Additional Temperature Modeling
For streams without major dams, water temperature is highly correlated with air temperature.
For each watershed not included in the HEC-5Q model that had partial water temperature data,
a linear model was fitted to estimate water temperature as a function of air temperature.
Generally, the air temperature record spans both the period of the CVPIA salmon life cycle model
and the complete period of record of available water temperature data. In the
cases where there were missing air temperature values between 1979-1999, we imputed the missing values using
in order to have a complete air temperature dataset for water temperature estimation.
Air Temperature Data Source:
Stream Water Temperature Data Sources:
DWR California Data Exchange Center (CDEC) accessed using the CDECRetrieve
R packaged developed by FlowWest.
USGS National Water Information System (NWIS) accessed using the dataRetrieval
R package developed by USGS.
Upper Sacramento River HEC-5Q model output at COTTONWOOD CR in SSJB_SAC_Reference_062315/SAC/SAC_CL_TEMP.DSS
Antelope Creek Regression method was fitted to data from in-river temperature gauges
Battle Creek HEC-5Q model output at BATTLE CR in SSJB_SAC_Reference_062315/SAC/SAC_CL_TEMP.DSS
Bear Creek Regression method was fitted to data from in-river temperature gauges
Big Chico Creek Estimated mean monthly water temperature from a linear model fitted with water temperature data from CDEC Gage ID: BIC and air temperature data from NOAA CDO Station Id: USC00046685
Butte Creek Estimated mean monthly water temperature from a linear model fitted with water temperature data from CDEC Gage ID: BCD and air temperature data from NOAA CDO Station Id: USC00046685
Clear Creek HEC-5Q model output at IGO in SSJB_SAC_Reference_062315/SAC/SAC_CL_TEMP.DSS
Cottonwood Creek HEC-5Q model output at COTTONWOOD CR in SSJB_SAC_Reference_062315/SAC/SAC_CL_TEMP.DSS
Cow Creek HEC-5Q model output at COW CR in SSJB_SAC_Reference_062315/SAC/SAC_CL_TEMP.DSS
Deer Creek Estimated mean monthly water temperature from a linear model fitted with water temperature data from USGS Gage ID: 11383500 and air temperature data from NOAA CDO Station Id: USC00041715
Elder Creek Regression method was fitted to data from Antelope River temperature gauges
Mill Creek Estimated mean monthly water temperature from a linear model fitted with water temperature data from USGS Gage ID: 11381500 and air temperature data from NOAA CDO Station Id: USW00024216
Paynes Creek Regression method was fitted to data from Antelope River temperature gauges
Stony Creek HEC-5Q model output at STONY CR in SSJB_SAC_Reference_062315/SAC/SAC_CL_TEMP.DSS
Thomes Creek HEC-5Q model output at THOMES CR in SSJB_SAC_Reference_062315/SAC/SAC_CL_TEMP.DSS
Upper-mid Sacramento River HEC-5Q model output at STONY CREEK in SSJB_SAC_Reference_062315/SAC/SAC_CL_TEMP.DSS
Sutter Bypass Tisdale Rotary Screw Trap montly mean water temperature 2011-2017
Bear River Regression method was fitted to data from Deer Creek temperature gauges
Feather River Regression method was fitted to data from Deer Creek temperature gauges
Yuba River Estimated mean monthly water temperature from a linear model fitted with water temperature data from USGS Gage ID: 11421000 and air temperature data from NOAA CDO Station Id: USW00024216
Lower-mid Sacramento River HEC-5Q model output at KNIGHTS LDG in SSJB_SAC_Reference_062315/SAC/SAC_CL_TEMP.DSS
Yolo Bypass Knights Landing Rotary Screw Trap montly mean water temperature 2004-2018
American River HEC-5Q model output at WILLIAM POND PARK in SSJB_AR_Reference_063015/AR/AR_CL_Temp.dss
Lower Sacramento River Measured mean monthly water temperature from USGS Gage ID: 11447650 with imputed missing values using forecast::na.interp
Calaveras River Regression method was fitted to data from Deer Creek temperature gauges
Cosumnes River Estimated mean monthly water temperature from a linear model fitted with water temperature data from USGS Gage ID: 11335000 and air temperature data from NOAA CDO Station Id: USW00023271
Mokelumne River Estimated mean monthly water temperature from a linear model fitted with water temperature data provided by EBMUD measured near Victor, CA and air temperature data from NOAA CDO Station Id: USC00045032
Merced River
biop_2008_2009: HEC-5Q model output at SANTA FE BR in SSJB_SJR_Reference_062915/SJR/SJR_CL_TEMP.DSS
biop_itp_2018_2019: HEC-5Q model for San Joaquin is no longer supported. Estimated mean monthly water temperature from a linear model fitted with water temperature data from CDEC Gage Id: CRS and air temperature data from NOAA CDO Station Id: USC00045532
Stanislaus River
biop_2008_2009: HEC-5Q model output at BLW MCHENRY BR in SSJB_SJR_Reference_062915/SJR/SJR_CL_TEMP.DSS
biop_itp_2018_2019: HEC-5Q model for San Joaquin is no longer supported. Estimated mean monthly water temperature from a linear model fitted with water temperature data from CDEC Gage Id: RPN and air temperature data from NOAA CDO Station Id: USW00023258
Tuolumne River
biop_2008_2009: HEC-5Q model output at GEER ROAD BR in SSJB_SJR_Reference_062915/SJR/SJR_CL_TEMP.DSS
biop_itp_2018_2019: HEC-5Q model for San Joaquin is no longer supported. Estimated mean monthly water temperature from a linear model fitted with water temperature data from CDEC Gage Id: MOD and air temperature data from NOAA CDO Station Id: USW00023258
San Joaquin River
biop_2008_2009: HEC-5Q model output at ABV TUOL in SSJB_SJR_Reference_062915/SJR/SJR_CL_TEMP.DSS
biop_itp_2018_2019: HEC-5Q model for San Joaquin is no longer supported. Estimated mean monthly water temperature from a linear model fitted with water temperature data from CDEC Gage Id: CRS and air temperature data from NOAA CDO Station Id: USC00045532