Modify baseline model inputs based on a set of actions
load_scenario( scenario, habitat_inputs, species = c("fr", "wr", "sr", "st", "lfr"), spawn_decay_rate = DSMscenario::spawn_decay_rate, rear_decay_rate = DSMscenario::rear_decay_rate, stochastic = TRUE )
scenario | a list containing scenario information, see details below |
habitat_inputs | a list with spawning habitat, inchannel fry and juvenile rearing habitat, floodplain rearing habitat, and weeks flooded matrices from the lifecycle model "params" data object. See the example for more details. |
species | provide |
spawn_decay_rate | length 31 vector of 1 - spawning decay rate estimates |
rear_decay_rate | length 31 vector of 1 - rearing decay rate estimates |
stochastic | boolean, TRUE for creating scenarios with stochasticity |
A scenario is a list of 31 by 20 matrices with each value representing the units of effort to apply in a tributarty in a given year for a action type.
The scenario list should be formatted like this:
list(spawn = matrix(), inchannel = matrix(), floodplain = matrix(), survival = matrix())
A scenario can also include a boolean vector named no_decay
if the user
desires to exclude a watershed from spawning and rearing habitat decay.
scenario_df <- dplyr::tibble(watershed = "Lower Sacramento River", action = 3, start_year = 1980, end_year = 1999, units_of_effort = 1) no_decay_alt <- watershed_labels %in% c("Clear Creek", "Butte Creek", "Upper Sacramento River") names(no_decay_alt) <- watershed_labels custom_scenario <- get_action_matrices(scenario_df) custom_scenario$no_decay <- no_decay_alt habitats <- list( spawning_habitat = fallRunDSM::params$spawning_habitat, inchannel_habitat_fry = fallRunDSM::params$inchannel_habitat_fry, inchannel_habitat_juvenile = fallRunDSM::params$inchannel_habitat_juvenile, floodplain_habitat = fallRunDSM::params$floodplain_habitat, weeks_flooded = fallRunDSM::params$weeks_flooded ) scenario_custom <- load_scenario(scenario = custom_scenario, species = DSMscenario::species$FALL_RUN, habitat_inputs = habitats) scenario_one <- load_scenario(scenario = DSMscenario::scenarios$ONE, species = DSMscenario::species$FALL_RUN, habitat_inputs = habitats)