Converts scenario dataframe into a list of matrices [31 watersheds, years] for each action type. The matrix values are the number of units of effort applied for that action type within a watershed for that year.




scenario dataframe


The scenario_df is a dataframe with each row representing a scenario action. The dataframe must contain the following columns:

  • watershed - The name or index for a watershed, ex. "Upper Sacramento River" or 1

  • action - The action taken represented by the code 1 - 5, ex: 3 to represent adding inchannel rearing

  • start_year - The simulation year the action begins

  • end_year - The simulation year the action ends

  • units_of_effort - number of action units taken, ex: .5 or 1

Actions and Units of Effort

  • 1 - Do nothing

  • 2 - Add 1 acre of spawning habitat

  • 3 - Add 2 acres of inchannel rearing habitat

  • 4 - Add 3 acres of floodplain rearing habitat

  • 5 - Increase rearing survival by 5%