This package provides tools for creating valid scenario input data to run with the fallRunDSM, winterRunDSM, or springRunDSM life cycle models.


This package can be installed using the following commands:

# install.packages("remotes")


Full Scenario Example

Scenarios can be defined within a dataframe and built using the load_scenario function. Each row within the dataframe represents one unique scenario action for a given watershed, for a period of years and number of units of effort.

Actions are defined below:

  • 1: Do nothing
  • 2: Add 1 acre of spawning habitat
  • 3: Add 2 acres of inchannel rearing habitat
  • 4: Add 3 acres of floodplain rearing habitat
  • 5: Increase rearing survival by 5%

For more information run ?load_scenario in the console.

The following example builds a scenario of adding inchannel rearing to the following watersheds for the fall run life cycle model:

  • 2 units of effort (4 acres) applied in Upper Sacramento River for the years 1980-1989
  • 1 unit of effort (2 acres) applied in Upper Sacramento River for the years 1990-1999
  • 1 unit of effort (2 acres) applied in American River for the years 1980-1989
  • 1 unit of effort (2 acres) applied in Feather River for the years 1980-1989
  • 1 unit of effort (2 acres) applied in Lower-mid Sacramento River for the years 1980-1989
  • 1 unit of effort (2 acres) applied in Battle Creek for the years 1990-1999
  • 1 unit of effort (2 acres) applied in Butte Creek for the years 1990-1999
  • 1 unit of effort (2 acres) applied in Deer Creek for the years 1990-1999
  • 1 unit of effort (2 acres) applied in Stanislaus River for the years 1990-1999

habitats <- list(
  spawning_habitat = fallRunDSM::params$spawning_habitat,
  inchannel_habitat_fry = fallRunDSM::params$inchannel_habitat_fry,
  inchannel_habitat_juvenile = fallRunDSM::params$inchannel_habitat_juvenile,
  floodplain_habitat = fallRunDSM::params$floodplain_habitat,
  weeks_flooded = fallRunDSM::params$weeks_flooded

scenario_df <- data.frame(
  watershed = c("Upper Sacramento River", "Upper Sacramento River",
                "American River", "Feather River", "Lower-mid Sacramento River",
                "Battle Creek", "Butte Creek", "Deer Creek", "Stanislaus River"),
  action = c(3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3),
  start_year = c(1980, 1990, 1980, 1980, 1980, 1990, 1990, 1990, 1990),
  end_year = c(1989, 1999, 1989, 1989, 1989, 1999, 1999, 1999, 1999),
  units_of_effort = c(2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1))

scenario <- get_action_matrices(scenario_df)

scenario <- load_scenario(scenario = scenario,
                          species = DSMscenario::species$FALL_RUN,
                          habitat_inputs = habitats)

Helper Datasets

For a full list of proper watershed labels see: DSMscenario::watershed_labels

The list DSMscenario::species can be used to provide appropriate values to the species argument to the load_scenario function. For example, DSMscenario::species$FALL_RUN.

The minimum decay rates for each watershed are stored in DSMscenario::spawn_decay_rate and DSMscenario::rear_decay_rate

Regulated watersheds are stored in DSMscenario::regulated_watersheds and SIT watershed groupings are stored in DSMscenario::watershed_groups


The DSMscenario package uses data from several other packages within the CVPIA Open Science Collaborative. These relationships are visualized in the dependency graph below.

Data Assembled and Maintained by