A named list where each component contains a dataset with the Upper Sacramento River flow in cubic meters per second. The components of the list contain output from two different Calsim II BiOp runs:
biop_2008_2009: output from the 2008-2009 Calsim II BiOp run.
biop_itp_2018_2019: output from the 2018-2019 Calsim II BiOp run.
a named list of two components, each containing a 12 by 21 matrix (month by year)
Data Wrangling: Sadie Gill sgill@flowwest.com
Node Selection: Mark Tompkins mtompkins@flowwest.com and Mike Urkov mike.urkov@gmail.com
CALSIM Model Output: Michael Wright mwright@usbr.gov
The Upper Sacramento River is represented using node CALSIM II 'FLOW-CHANNEL' C109 node at Bend. Each row represents a month, each column a year from 1980-2000. This data is used to route fish into the delta.