The monthly proportion of Sacramento River flow within the bypasses (years 1980-2000) for use with the CVPIA SIT Salmon Population Model to apportion fish onto the bypasses. Contains these data modeled with two Calsim II model outputs stored as elements of a named list:
biop_2008_2009: output from the 2008-2009 Calsim II BiOp run.
biop_itp_2018_2019: output from the 2018-2019 Calsim II BiOp run.
a named list where each element contains a 12 by 21 by 2 array (month, year, bypass):
, , 1 = Sutter Bypass represented with CALSIM II nodes (D117 + D124 + D125 + D126)/C116
, , 2 = Yolo Bypass represented with CALSIM II nodes D160/C134
Data Wrangling: Sadie Gill
Node Selection: Mark Tompkins and Mike Urkov
CALSIM Model Output: Michael Wright
The proportions of Sacramento River flowing through the bypasses are represented using 'FLOW-CHANNEL' and 'FLOW-DELIVERY' nodes from CALSIM II.
Some of the calculated values for Yolo Bypass were greater than 1. These values were capped at 1 for model usage.